"Nurturing healthy minds and bodies through the incredible power of the arts!"
Where would we be without them?
Their kind hearts. Their open arms. Their aligned vision. Their unending enthusiasm. Their faith in us. Their boundless generosity.
These are the hallmarks of the corporations and philanthropists who unwaveringly support us at LEAP. To them, what we do is more than just the provision of art classes and activities. With their help, we arequipping individuals, young and old, with the skills they need to be healthier and happier in life, and in turn, invigorating the mental and physical wellness of the entire nation.
Here are the noble organizations and individuals who have fueled our program and events over the years:

Supporting prestigious schools, organizations and clubs in the Caribbean region which are geared towards arts-based education initiatives for children is a mandate of the Windsong Trust. Annually from March 2020, LEAP has been selected as a grant recipient to specifically fund its 'A Chance to Dance' (C2D) Program which LEAP implemented back in 2012, to provide concessions for underprivileged children to attend its classes.
With the generous help of Windsong, we are able to sustain and significantly expand our C2D reach, enabling more disadvantaged families to sign up their youngsters in our Program at little or no cost. This helps us uphold our commitment to providing access to the arts - a pillar of our culture at LEAP.
We are therefore eternally grateful to the Trustees of Windsong for awarding us with their grant, and look forward to continuously broadening our scope when it comes to supporting the nation's youth and their creative education.
Quite frankly, we cannot think of another company in The Federation that is more genuinely supportive of meaningful ventures than Ram's.
They've been with us from the start.
Their support has powered countless events and endeavors of ours and we simply cannot imagine them being half as successful as they have been without the helping hand of Ram's.
From our annual recitals, to our children's camps and visual arts classes, Ram's has worked so humbly and selflessly in the background to power key happenings on our calendar and in our program overall.
To us, Ram's is more than a sponsor.
Ram's is a life partner. Ram's is family.
Words cannot do justice to the gratitude we would like to express to their Management & Staff for being such outstanding supporters of children, art, culture and wellness in our Program and in the Federation, at large. Kudos!

Ever wondered where our cool posters, concepts, web design, etc. come from?
Our Managing Director, Genieve Hanley, is the owner of ACE Management & Consultancy, a small firm that brings together a select team of highly creative and skilled individuals to manage events like ours and market them.
For more reasons than this we consider ACE a sister company of ours, and are thankful to be branded and promoted by them.

Saluting the care, encouragement and generosity we experience through our partnership with National Bank!
Over the years, The St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla National Bank has extended their
gracious arm to sponsor our grand productions. Their support comes without reluctance. It powers some of our brightest ideas and adds a signature sparkle to our events. We applaud the Bank
for their authentic interest in patronizing
events like ours that educate individuals
and enrich communities.
We are ever grateful to National Bank
for their bond.

As an organization that operates in the twin-island Federation of St. Kitts & Nevis, our preferred mode of transportation between both islands is via water taxi, but not just any water taxi!
We use Islander Watersports! This chain is known for its top-notch service, luxurious amenities and quick, smooth transfers - commuting between the islands in just 5 minutes. Their friendly, highly professional, outgoing captains and crews make our island-hopping a breeze and a joy.
That's why we are so thankful to have established a great relationship with Islander, as they too believe in the work of our organization and play a great role in ensuring we are safe, comfortable and well-transferred, every time.
Delighted to have Mapau St. Kitts on board as an official Patron of our Program at LEAP. Mapau has supported keystone events such as our annual SHINE Awards in 2021 and our Grand Recital in 2022.
It is reassuring to know that corporations are willing to support creative youngsters, arts and education in the Federation. Kudos.

Our first choice for safety and medical supplies, and even great gifts! Essential Pharmacy is a proud supporter of LEAP and we are extremely grateful for their kind patronage.

To those who support us, but wish to remain anonymous,
please know that you too are forever engraved in our hearts as we continue to 'leap' from one success to another.