"Nurturing healthy minds and bodies through the incredible power of the arts!"
LEAP takes pride in making all of its classes and events affordable and accessible.
Please see below a guide to tuition amounts and available payment methods.
Tuition for all Children's Classes is EC$80 per month. Adults pay EC$60.
Additionally, we pack value into your maximum participation in our Program,
and offer an across-the-board, multi-class discount for:
1) Any siblings enrolled in our Program;
2) Any students that are active members of more than one class on our weekly roster.
These members pay EC$60 (per class) instead of EC$80.
All new, first-time members pay a one-time, non-refundable registration fee which covers the cost of your Welcome & Orientation Pack containing your LEAP T-Shirt, Members Manual, Tools & Equipment and other valuable staples for participation in our Program. Registration fees vary, depending on the specific class you are signing up for. If you are already an active member of LEAP and wish to sign up for an additional class, the registration fee does not apply.
It is important to keep your tuition payments up to date. Fees are due the first class of each month.
Please note that if a month's payment is missed, a late fee of EC$10 will apply.
We offer several convenient options for submitting and managing your tuition/registration fees with us at LEAP. Whether you prefer to pay in person or you're more of an online payment kinda person, we've got you covered! Please see below, our various methods to receive payments for enrollment or subscription in any of our classes, special events or programs:
1) CASH PAYMENTS - We accept cash in EC or US Currency (US$2.67 exchange rate). Cash payments can be submitted at our Studios in St. Kitts & Nevis during class times to the Tutor present who will stamp your tuition card (if you are paying for regular membership) or issue a handwritten receipt (if you are paying for a special event/program).
2) CHEQUE PAYMENTS - You can also submit your payments via cheque in person at our Studio or at NEPAC as outlined above. Local (EC) cheques accepted only, which must be made payable to 'LEAP'. Returned cheques will attract a penalty fee of EC$100.
3) DIRECT DEPOSITS / TRANSFERS - We also accept payments directly to our accounts at Republic Bank and National Bank. You may deposit in person, directly in the bank of choice, or make an online transfer. In either case, we ask that you WhatsApp (869-760-1500) or email (info@leapskn.com) with a copy of your receipt so we can cross-reference / verify your payment. The MoBanking feature is also available for National Bank users.
Please see below our Bank details:
St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla National Bank
Account Number: 10129436
Name on Account: LEAP
(Mobile Banking Number: 760-1500)
Reference: (Member/Parent's Name)
Republic Bank:
Account Number: 930251544340
Account Type: Chequing
Name on Account: Genieve Hanley DBA LEAP
Regular members who use this option can bring in their tuition cards at any time to have them updated.